Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 2:01 AM
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAZHANG AND JUE YING :D May you two have fun on your very special day and that your wishes will come true. God bless!Ok, Im really slacking so much. I practically did nothing almost everyday. Gosh! Ok updates. Had bbq with the people in the pictures on Sunday below! We took the chance to celebrate Zhang's birthday :)

Had a fun time laughing here and there. It was a great time. Thanks Kazhang for asking a bbq. You all are the best. :D
On Saturday, went over to my grandma's place and headed over to Steph's place to stayover. Went for a run and basketball. Running was shiok. This was the first time after my runs that I actually was ready for a run and felt super relaxed and shiok running. I felt like going on forever! :) But I had my limits. It was really really great and I think its because of after the rain. Shiok man.
Basketball was crazy because it was so dark, we couldn't see anything! Then we went back to bathe and headed out for prata. It's crazy man. Prata at what, 3am? hahaha. Then went back at 4 plus. Thats about it.
Today and yesterday, I did nothing but slack in front of the tv, if not you would see me napping. I wanna go running again! Maybe tmr. :) I really want to find a job or something but there isn't any though. Boringggggggggg. Ok, hope ali and qian are having fun and looking out for cute jap guys. Hahahaha. Kidding! Eh lili, don't jealous ok! :D
Take care all. Shall update soon! :)
That shouldnt be words coming out from you. Those aren't things we can help with but shouldn't you think about things carefully before spilling them out? How about others? They do care about such things too and you're not helping with anything. This sucks.